Apple – iTunes – Podcasting
As expected, Apple has released a new version of iTunes which supports
Podcasting. The integration into
iTunes is great and, unfortunately for ODEO, I
prefer it to the alternatives since I don’t have duplicate Podcasts
sitting around on my disk now (well, atleast I don’t have to manually
remove them). I will say that, currently, ODEO seems to have a better
selection of what Apple is calling ‘Indie’ Podcasts — but I’m sure that
will change as more folks register with Apple to have their PodCasts
added to iTunes. Tangentially, this morning while working out I was
listening to the DSC and heard that
the CastBlaster beta is available for
download. So I rushed to the website and found out it’s only available
for Windows. Ugh! Fortunately, it looks like Apple is pushing
GarageBand as a
Podcast recording studio. I haven’t tried it yet, but perhaps over the
weekend I’ll experiment with recording a Podcast. I haven’t the faintest
idea as to what I’ll speak about though.